Members of the GBCAT Beta Test team can download and test GBCAT v0.9b9, (the last beta version before the first public release of GBCAT) here:[wpdm_file id=33]We hope that almost a month, how much is left up to the first public release, will be enough for detecting any previously undiscovered bugs. The first public GBCAT release is planed for December the 25th 2013, as a gift under the Christmas tree.
GBCAT development has been ongoing for two years, and takes all of the author’s free time; nevertheless, GBCAT is free and will be free of charge.
GBCAT is still in development. Any suggestion for the GBCAT improvement (as well as bug report) will be considered and implemented (or fixed) in one of the future GBCAT versions, if possible.
The images above shows screenshots taken while the GBCAT controlled the following transceivers: Kenwood TS-2000(tm) and Yaesu FT-817(tm). Larger images can be found HERE.
What is GBCAT and which transceivers are supported, you can find HERE.
Forum for the GBCAT support can be found HERE.
What’s new in GBCAT v.09b9, “The Last Beta”, you can download and read HERE:[wpdm_file id=32]
GBCAT v0.9b9, “The Last Beta”
Članovi GBCAT Beta Test tima mogu preuzeti i testirati GBCAT v0.9b9, zadnju beta inačicu prije prve javne GBCAT objave ovdje:[wpdm_file id=33]Nadamo se da će gotovo mjesec dana, koliko je preostalo do prve javne objave, biti dovoljno da pronadjemo sve do sada neotkrivene bugove. Prvu javnu GBCAT publikaciju planiramo za 25.12.2013. godine, kao poklon pod božićnu jelku.
Razvoj ovog softvera trajao je dvije godine, a koliko je neprospavanih noći i slobodnih sati utrošeno to zna samo moja voljena obitelj, koja me podržala kao i uvijek, u ovakvim projektima. Bez obzira na to, GBCAT je besplatan, i ostati će besplatan.
Razvoj GBCAT-a nije gotov, ali je ovom inačicom zaokružena jedna funkcionalna cjelina, koja po mišljenju članova GBCAT Beta Test tima, zaslužuje javnu objavu.
Slike iznad prikazuju izgled GBCAT ekrana za vrijeme kontrole slijedećih primopredajnika: Kenwood TS-2000(tm) i Yaesu FT-817(tm). Veće slike pogledajte OVDJE.
Što je GBCAT i koje radio uređaje podržava, možete pročitati OVDJE.
Forum za GBCAT podršku možete pronaći OVDJE.
Što je novog u GBCAT v.09b9, “The Last Beta”, možete preuzeti i pročitati OVDJE:[wpdm_file id=32]
73, Ivan
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