GBCAT v1.1 – New version for Download


GBCATv1.1.COM2IPv1.1.RemoteScenario.2wayAudioWhat’s new in the GBCAT v1.1?

It’s been a little more than 50 days from the first GBCAT’s public release, and we already have a new GBCAT v1.1 version ready for download. Take a look what’s new:

GBCAT v1.1 bug fixes:
– fixed: Kenwood TS-2000 remote scenario, on COM2IP Redirector, CAT command execution error “SD;”
– fixed: Kenwood TS-2000 remote scenario, slider initialization for Sub-R Audio and MainR Squelch.
– fixed: Kenwood TS-2000 remote scenario, S-meter and W-meter now are ok.
– fixed: Yaesu FT-8×7, showing info about active VFO now is ok.
– fixed: Info window now showing selected RIG.
– fixed: In the scenario when we have up and running one instance of GBCAT in direct RIG controlling and we want to start another GBCAT instance for remote RIG controlling, now we can select “None” COM port, which enables “Start IP2COM Server” selector.
– fixed: Yaesu FT-857, direct frequency entering via green buttons is fixed and now can be used on every 857.

GBCAT v1.1 new features:
– added: GBCAT, Kenwood TS-2000, the four configuration lines are added for memorizing values for MainR Audio, SubR Audio, MainR  Squelch, SubR Squelch.
– added: GBCAT, Yaesu and Kenwood, menu “Remote Control/IP2COM Server”, added menu selector “Remote PC’s display switch off”.
– added: GBCAT, Yaesu and Kenwood, menu “Remote Control/IP2COM Server, values for the “Local IP2COM Port” and for the “Remote COM2IP Redirector IP” are memorized in the GBCAT.CFG. Related to it, there are 2 lines more in the GBCAT.CFG : LOP=port_number, RIP=IP_address.
– added, GBCAT, Yaesu and Kenwood, Progress bar indicator while initializing RIG controls over TCP/IP (Remote scenario only).
– added: SPACE key (space bar) can be used also as the PTT on/off control, while mouse is inside of the GBCAT form (thanks to Robert 9A3BRV for an idea).
– added: GBCAT, Kenwwod TS-2000, menu “RIG/Kenwood specific, added selector “IP2COM Loop Delay”. Delay can be selected from 100-500 ms. It will help GBCAT users, PC owners with more processor power, to get the faster TS2K response in the Remote scenario. Related to it, the one cfg line is added to the GBCAT.CFG. Default value: IPL=250
– added: Help in Italian language, thanks to Silvio I1SU.

GBCAT v1.1 modifications:
– improved TCP/IP communication routine
– improved Kenwood TS-2000 recognizing routine
– COM2IP Redirector is no more a part of GBCAT installation package. COM2IP Redirector can be downloaded free of charge from:

Download GBCAT – Computer Aided Transceiver

COM2IP v1.1 new features:
– added: Display switch off (can be activated from the GBCAT, in the Remote scenario only)
– added: The values for the Redirector’s Port and for the IP2COM’ Server IP are memorized in the COM2IP.CFG. Related to it, there are a two lines more in the COM2IP.CFG: LOP=port_number, RIP=IP_address.

COM2IP v1.1 modifications:
– In order to keep reached communication quality for the all supported RIGs, the all communication routines are separated now.

GBCAT Support Forum:



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GBCAT – Ricetrasmettitore via Computer

GBCAT-Ricetrasmettitore.Via.ComputerGBCAT documentation translated to Italian language!

Thanks to Silvio, Italian radioamateur I1SU, we have GBCAT documentation translated to Italian language:

Cos’ è  GBCAT?
GBCAT – Ricetrasmettitore via Computer

GBCAT è un software per PC per controllare apparati radioamatoriali attraverso una porta COM / USB o tramite una rete TCP / IP, con la possibilità di trasferire un segnale audio a 2 vie su una rete TCP / IP. GBCAT si compone di tre parti: il modulo base, un comando  esteso set A, e il comando esteso set B. Nella versione registrata, tutti i moduli mantengono le loro funzioni, indipendentemente dal fatto che vengono visualizzati sullo schermo o meno.

Il pacchetto di installazione GBCAT contiene anche: una connessione integrata Remote Desktop, un IPCOM Server/COM2IP Redirector, e un Server / Client Audio.

You can download GBCAT documentation in Italian, by one simple click on the word “Download”:[wpdm_file id=40]
File format: PDF.

 Radios supported by GBCAT:
– Yaesu FT-857D
– Yaesu FT-897D
– Yaesu FT-817-ND
– Icom IC-706MKIIG
– Kenwood TS-2000
– Kenwood TS-590S



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