Photo albums in a new light available photo albums now can be found in several thematic groups. Also, the display mode is improved and everything is much clearer.




HAM and Tech thematic:
– Asus UL80VT BackLit Keyboard Modification
– Duoband Inverted V antenna for 40m and 80m
– Forced cooling for Linear PA with GI7B tube
– Inverted V antenna for 40m
– Zagreb RADIO FEST (9/2012)
– RU-20 Military Transceiver modification
– My former CNC milling portal machine
– VHF-Linear-power-amplifier-GI7B

Samobor, Croatia:
– Holiday ambience on King Tomislav’s square, Samobor, Croatia
– Medieval battle near Samobor / Prikaz srednjovjekovne bitke kod Samobora
– Samoborska potočna pastrva
– Winter motives from the old part of Samobor, Croatia
– Traditional 186th and 187th Carnival at Samobor Croatia, 2012/2013

Island of Vir, Croatia:
– Sunset at island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia
– Canadair and Air Tractor in action over the island of Vir, July 20th. 2012
– Flowers and plants on the island of Vir, Adriatic coast, Croatia
– Island of Vir, Croatia (part I)
– Island of Vir, Croatia (part II)

Interesting places at Croatia:
– Dramalj at Adriatic coast, Croatia
– National Park Brijuni, Croatia
– Zadar by night
– Visiting Istria, Croatia: Visnjan, Groznjan, Motovun

Flora Art:
– Flora Art 2008 Exhibition, Zagreb
– Flora Art 2012 Exhibition, Zagreb
– Flora Art 2013 Exhibition, Zagreb

Art of wood carving, by Vladimir F.:
– Shrek’s spoon / Shrekova žlica
– Wooden Rose / Drvena ruža

– Mantis religiosa / Zelena-bogomoljka
– Photo Illusion: UFO over Samobor Croatia
– Podarcis sicula adriatica / Jadranska primorska gušterica
– Svježi vrganj / Fresh-Boletus
– Wasp fighting a spider / Osa najeznica u duelu s paukom

73 de Ivan


Views: (516)

Zadar by night 07.2013 (13)Zadar by night 07.2013

Zadar is an ancient city, built in the center of the Croatian Adriatic, full of historical and cultural monuments. It is three thousand years old, a city of old, tumultuous and dynamic history, often destructed, looted, devastated, every time emerging from the ruins stronger, richer and more beautiful. Zadar appeared for the first time in history in the 4th century B.C. as a settlement of the Illyrian tribe of Liburnians – the name Jader was mentioned, and through history it changed into Idassa (Greek source), Jadera (Roman source), DiadoraZara (during Venetian rule and later Italian) up to today’s name of Zadar. (16)Today Zadar is a preserved monument of various historical times and cultures that have placed their boundaries and visible outlines of their urban appearance. During its existence it was for many centuries the home of the Ilyrian Liburni and for 1000 years the capital city of Dalmatia. Rich in history, it is curently a focal point in civilisation, and most of all city with an unquestionable future: its accepted concept of development into an international, Mediterranean and Adriatic metropolis is being realised. It is a city with a rich Croatian national identity created in the present, wich successfully adheres to the newest trends in globalisation and informatisation.

Zadar by night – PHOTO ALBUM


Views: (410)

FloraArt 2013

FloraArt 2013 -

FloraArt 2013

The annual FloraArt International Garden and Flower Exhibition 2013 at lake Bundek in Zagreb, Croatia. Interesting photos from FloraArt Exibition, taken by our associate Ivana, you may find HERE.

Tradicionalna međunarodna izložba cvijeća i vrtlarstva FloraArt 2013. Zanimljive fotografije snimljene na izložbi FloraArt koje je snimila naša suradnica Ivana, možete pogledati OVDJE.


Views: (349)

Closing of traditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013


Traditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013
Closing of traditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013
Zatvaranje tradicionalnog, 187. Samoborskog karnevala
Samoborci i njihovi mnogobrojni gosti, jučer su na samoborskog trgu Kralja Tomislava prisustvovali završnoj priredbi zatvaranja tradicionalnog 187. Samoborskog karnevala. Kao i do sada, fiškal je pokušao dati sve od sebe i obraniti inkarnaciju prošlogodišnjih zala, ali njegovo veličanstvo princ Fašnik, osuđen je i pogubljen je u kasnim večernjim satima, vješanjem i paljenjem na lomači. Tužna, ali očekivana sudbina, koja se ponavalja već 187. puta, simbolizirajući naš stari običaj ispraćaja svega lošega u protekloj godini, i vječiti optimizan malog čovjeka u očekivanju boljih dana.
Fotografije sa zatvaranja tradicionalnog, 187. Samoborskog karnevala pogledajte OVDJE.

Views: (888)

Announce: Traditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013


Traditional 186th Carnival in Samobor, Croatia, 2012 - Bare & Majke-Teske bojeTraditional 187th Carnival at Samobor, Croatia, 2013. / Tradicionalni 187. samoborski fašnik od 1. do 12.02.2013.

Samoborski fašnik jedna je od najstarijih pokladnih priredbi u Hrvatskoj. Ove godine, grad Samobor 187. puta postaje Fašničkom republikom, te će tako brojnim fašničkim događanjima održati stoljetnu tradiciju čuvanja kulturnog blaga naših starih.

187. Samoborski fašnik završava 12. veljače, na pokladni utorak, suđenjem Princu Fašniku za sve loše događaje u protekloj godini, te starim običajem spaljivanja Fašnika, kako bi ova godina bila bolja nego prošla.

Traditional 186th Carnival in Samobor, Croatia, 2012 - TNT GroupPosjetite nas i ove godine u našem Samoboru, i pridružite nam se u sudjelovanju u tradicionalnom samoborskom fašniku i staroj poslovici: “Bedaki noriju celo leto, a pametni samo na fašnik” 🙂

Fotografije sa 186. samoborskog fašnika pogledajte OVDJE.
Photos from 186. traditional Carnival at Samobor: HERE.


Views: (666)

Holiday Ambience at Samobor


Holiday Ambience on King Tomislav's Square at Samobor, CroatiaHoliday Ambience on King Tomislav’s Square at Samobor, Croatia
Blagdanski ugođaj na Trgu kralja Tomislava u Samoboru, Hrvatska.


More photos HERE.
Pogledajte ostale fotografije OVDJE.


Views: (270)

Art of Wood Carving – Wooden Rose


Art of Wood Carving - Wooden RoseArt of Wood Carving – Wooden Rose
Umjetnost u drvetu – Drvena ruža

Author: Vladimir Franceković, 12/2012, Samobor.


Ephemeral beauty of red rose captured in the piece of wood by artist’s hand.
Prolazna ljepota crvene ruže, umjetničkom rukom zarobljena u komadu drveta.

More photos HERE.
Ostale fotografije pogledajte OVDJE.


Views: (1369)

Svježi vrganj – Fresh Boletus


Svježi vrganj - Fresh Boletus from Samobor, CroatiaSvježi vrganj – Fresh Boletus

Fresh Boletus from the forest near Samobor, Croatia. Boletus edulis, commonly known as penny bun, porcino or cep, is a basidiomycete fungus, and the type species of the genus Boletus. The fungus grows in deciduous and coniferous forests and tree plantations, forming symbiotic ectomycorrhizal associations with living trees by enveloping the tree’s underground roots with sheaths of fungal tissue. Prized as an ingredient in various foods, B. edulis is an edible mushroom held in high regard in many cuisines, and is commonly prepared and eaten in soups, pasta, or risotto. The mushroom is low in fat and digestible carbohydrates, and high in protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.

More photos at Photo Albums page.

Boletus edulis, poznatiji kao vrganj, raste u listopadnim i crnogoričnim šumama i plantažama drveća, na način da formira simbiotske udruge s korjenjem stabala tvoreći podzemne tvorbe gljivičnog tkiva. Vrganj je jestiva gljiva cijenjena kao sastojak u raznim jelima, a obično se priprema i jede kao sastojak juha, tjestenina, ili rižota. Vrganj sadrži vrlo malo masti i ugljikohidrata, dobro je probavljiv, a bogat je bjelančevinama, vitaminima, mineralima i dijetalnim vlakanima. Primjerci na slikama ubrani su 06.10.2012. u šumi u okolici Samobora.

Više slika na Photo Albums stranici.


Views: (1621)

New Photo Album available: Višnjan, Istria at August 2012


Visnjan - Istria at August 2012Višnjan, Istria at August 2012 / Višnjan, u kolovozu 2012.

Višnjan is a village and municipality in Istria, Croatia. Višnjan is the site of Višnjan Observatory (an astronomical observatory). The observatory is home of several long-running international summer programs for youth in astronomy, archeology, marine biology and other disciplines. Višnjan is located 12 kilometers east of Poreč and 3 kilometers west of Pula-Koper road. Višnjan is located on elevation of 244m and average municipality elevation is between 200-300m. One of the most notable sinkholes in Istria, Baredina, is located in the municipality.

More pictures at Photo Albums page.

Višnjan je općina u Hrvatskoj, u Istarskoj županiji. Višnjan se nalazi u zapadnom dijelu Istre na području Poreštine. To je prostor između rijeke Mirne na sjeveru i Limskog kanala na jugu nazvan po najvećem naselju Poreču. Vissignanun, Vicinius, Guissignanus, Visignano, Ime Višnjan vjerojatno potječe od latinske riječi Vicinianus što znači u blizini jer je Višnjan u prošlosti bio najbliži posjed Poreča. Najstariji pisani dokument u kojem mu se spominje ime je akt po kojemu su se određivale granice posjeda Sv. Maura iz 1003.g.

Pogledajte slike na Photo Albums stranici.

Photos by: Kristina & Domagoj 


Views: (184)

Art of Wood carving – Shrek’s Spoon


Art of Wood carving - Shrek's Spoon - Author: Vladimir FrancekovićArt of Wood carving – Shrek’s Spoon
Umjetnost skulpture u drvu – Shrekova žlica

Author / Autor: Vladimir Franceković, 09/2012, Samobor.


Piece of wood for Shrek's spoonPiece of untreated wood for Shrek’s Spoon / Komad neobrađenog drveta, za Shrekovu žlicu.




Photos / Slike: Ivan Držanić

More photos HERE / Više slika OVDJE.


Views: (264)

New Photo Album available: Istra – Motovun, at August 2012


Motovun - www.9a2gb.netIstra – Motovun, at August 2012

Motovun is a village in central Istria, Croatia. The population of the village itself is 531, with a total of 983 residents in the municipality (2001); 442 of the residents have Italian as their mother language.

The legend of Veli Jože:
Motovun is known among today’s population of Istria as the city of Veli Jože, the good gentle giant who represents the Croatian people of Istria. The story written by Vladimir Nazor, one of the most important Croatian writers of the 20th century, was a response to the national struggles of the Croats for equality against fascism (1900-1914). The tale is known today throughout Croatia, while the character of Veli Jože (Big Joe) is quite correctly linked with the city.

More photos HERE.

Motovun je općina je u Hrvatskoj, u Istarskoj županiji. Najbolje je sačuvana srednjovjekovna istarska utvrda, koja se razvila na vrhu strmog brežuljka. U prapovijesnim vremenima, ilirska i keltska plemena gradila su svoje utvrde na mjestu današnjeg Motovuna. Ime mu je također keltskog porijekla, a nastalo je od riječi Montona, što znači grad u gori.

Legenda o Velom Joži:
Veli Jože je književno djelo hrvatskog književnika Vladimira Nazora iz 1908. godine. Glavni lik je hrabri i dobri div Jože, “jak kao bik, kuštrave glave”, koji živi u okolici istarskog gradića Motovuna. Knjiga je nastala na temelju narodnih priča i folklornih motiva. To je djelo po kojemu će se prepoznavati Nazorova proza, a koje je on sam smatrao neuspjelim. Veli Jože postao je simbol hrvatske Istre, alegorijska slika nacionalne prošlosti, njezine muke i poniženja, ali i moći i snage kojom se stoljećima opirala odnarođivanju.

Više slika OVDJE.

Photos / Slike: Domagoj i Kristina
Skraćeni tekst: Wikipedia


Views: (236)

Forced cooling for Linear PA with GI7B


AC Brushless blowerHand dryer brushless blower as forced cooling for Linear Power Amplifier with GI7B

When building a linear power amplifier with electronic tube(s), one of the important construction detail is successful cooling. I saw a lot of successful and less successful solutions…

Read the whole article HERE.

Turbina sušila za ruke kao prisilno hlađenje za Linar PA sa GI7B

Kod gradnje linearnog izlaznog pojačala s elektroničkom cijevi, jedan od važnih konstrukcijskih detalja je uspješno hlađenje elektroničke cijevi u izlazu snage. Vidio sam dosta uspješnih i manje uspješnih rješenja…

Pročitajte cijeli članak OVDJE.



Views: (1308)

Photo illusion: UFO over Samobor, Croatia?


Photo Ilusion - NLO over Samobor, CroatiaAt first sight it looks like UFO hovering over Samobor, Croatia, but it’s just an illusion caused by released meteo (weather) balloon. Picture is taken at July 29th 2012 12:45, at Samobor, 20 km from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, by Fujifilm Finepix S200 EXR camera (14.4x optical zoom).

More pictures HERE.

Na prvi pogled ovo izgleda kao NLO koji lebdi iznad Samobora, ali to je samo iluzija uzrokovana od meteo-balona koji ili se oteo kontroli, ili je pušten u atmosferu. Fotografija je napravljena 29.07.2012 u 12:45. Korišten je Fujifilm Finepix S200 EXR fotoaparat sa 14.4x optičkim zoom-om.

Više slika u foto albumu, OVDJE.

Photo by 9A2GB, (c) 2012.


Views: (962)

Wasp fighting a spider – Osa najeznica u duelu s paukom


Wasp fighting a spider - Osa najeznica u duelu s paukomWasp fighting a spider – Osa najeznica u duelu s paukom

A Spider Wasp (Ichneumonidae Por.) hunting certain kinds of insects, (photo showing a spider paralyzed by a Wasp), laying eggs that feed on hosts tissues. This wasp is very cunning, it approach to prey only when it is completely paralyzed. After a 10 minutes of waiting and checking a spider’s state, a Wasp grasped a spider by the powerful jaws, dragged him over the 1m height wall and took him at the grass to the silence death.

Find more pictures of this exciting duel, HERE.

Osa najeznica (Por. Ichneumonidae) lovi određene vrste insekata (na slici je munjevitim ubodom savladala pauka i paralizirala ga svojim otrovom), u njih leže ličinke koje se hrane njegovim tkivom i na taj način razvijaju na štetu domaćina. Ova osica je vrlo lukava, ne  prilazi pauku sve dok se žrtva potpuno paralizira. U ovom slučaju pauk je bio potpuno paraliziran već nakon 5 minuta, osa ga je zatim uhvatila snažnim čeljustima, vukla ga preko zida visine 1m i odvukla ga u travu, gdje je položila jaja i na taj način, okončavši jedan, započela novi život.

Više slika Ose najeznice i njenog dvoboja u foto-albumu.

Photos of this exciting fight are taken at Island of Vir by Fujifilm FinePix S200EXR.


Views: (1275)

Green Mantis – Mantis religiosa – Zelena bogomoljka


Green Mantis - Mantis religiosa - Zelena bogomoljkaGreen Mantis – Mantis religiosa – Zelena bogomoljka

Green Mantis are the order of large predatory insects that hold the front pair of legs raised in a way that reminds her hands folded in prayer. A head is removable, with large bulging eyes, long antennae. The first pelvic annulet them is very extended and the head can move in all directions. They are remarkably well adapted to the environment, can change the color of the body making them, associated with prolonged immobilisation, very difficult noticeable. The length of their body is usually between 40 and 80 mm. Females are larger than males. 

More photos of Green Mantis.

Zelena bogomoljka

Glava im je pomična, s velikim izbočenim očima, ticala duga. Prvi prsni kolutić im je jako produljen i omogućava pomicanje glave u svim smjerovima. Izvanredno su dobro prilagođene okolišu, mogu mijenjati boju tijela što ih, povezano dugotrajnom nepokretnošću, čini vrlo teško uočljivim. Duljina tijela im je najčešće između 40 i 80 mm. Ženke su veće od mužjaka.

Pogledajte cijeli foto album OVDJE.


Views: (2187)

Curiosities: Jadranska primorska gušterica, Podarcis sicula adriatica


Podarcis sicula adriatica - Jadranska primorska gusterica. More pictures at Photo Albums page.Jadranska primorska gušterica
(lat. Podarcis sicula adriatica)

The size of this endemic lizard is up to 9 cm from the tip of its nose to the cloaca. The females are smaller than males. The species is extremely variable coloration, especially the island’s population of lizards, and a robust structure. The back is mostly green, olive or light brown color with a striped pattern consisting of dark and light lines or series of dots.

More photos at Photo Albums page.

Porodica: Lacertidae
Grupa: Gmazovi

Razne publikacije na netu navode veličinu gušterice najviše do 9 cm od vrha njuške do kloake, s time da su ženke manje od mužjaka. Vrsta je izrazito varijabilne obojenosti, posebno otočne populacije, te robusne građe. Leđni dio je najčešće zelene, maslinaste ili svijetlosmeđe boje s prugastim uzorkom koji se sastoji od tamnijih i svijetlijih linija ili niza točaka. Populacije se razvrstavaju u 6 srodnih grupa čija klasifikacije jei i dalje predmet znanstvenog istraživanja, zbog toga što čovjek potpomaže širenje ove vrste gmazova. Fotografija gušterice snimljena je na otoku Viru u lipnju 2012. godine.

Više slika na Photo Albums stranici.

Photo by 9A2GB, (c)


Views: (2039)

New Photo Album Available: FloraArt Exhibition 2012, Zagreb


The traditional 47. FloraArt Exhibition 2012 at Bundek lake, Zagreb, Croatia. The fair was attended by more than 150 domestic participants who exhibits their flowers and decorative plants together with participants from Austria, France, Italy, Hungary, Germany and the USA.

More photos on Photo Albums page.

Tradicionalni, 47. po redu, FloraArt 2012, sajam cvijeća na jezeru Bundek u Zagrebu. Na sajmu je sudjelovalo više od 150 domaćih sudionika koji su izlagali svoje cvijeće i ukrasno bilje zajedno sa sudionicima iz Austrije, Francuske, Italije, Mađarske, Njemačke i SAD-a.

Više fotografija na Photo Albums stranici.


Views: (188)

Samobor’s winter motives


Samobor is one of the earliest tourist resorts in the region, with the first tourist facilities dating back to 1810, catering to anglers, hunters and hikers. The town’s beautiful surroundings and vicinity to the capital have supported this tourist tradition to the present day. Samobor is located west of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, between the eastern slopes of the Samobor hills, the eastern part of Žumberak Mountain, in the Sava River valley.

More photos on Photo Albums page.


Samobor je jedan od najstarijih turističkih gradova u regiji, s prvim turističkim objektima koji datiraju iz davne 1810. godine. Predstavlja pravi raj za ribolovce, lovce planinare i putnike namjernike, željne odmora u miru i zelenilu. Prelijepe okolice grada i blizina glavnom gradu Hrvatske podržali su ovu turističku tradiciju do današnjih dana. Samobor se nalazi zapadno od Zagreba, glavnog grada Republike Hrvatske, između istočnih obronaka Samoborskog gorja, istočnog dijela Žumberačkog gorja, u dolini rijeke Save.

Više slika na Photo Albums stranici.


Views: (182)

New Photo Album Available: Dramalj at Adriatic Coast, Croatia


Dramalj is a tourist place near Crikvenica, extending from the Black mole (part of Crikvenica) to the tourist resort Kačjak The town has about 1400 inhabitants, mostly engaged in tourism and hospitality industry.

More photos at Photo Albums page.

Dramalj je turističko mjesto u neposrednoj blizini Crikvenice koje se proteže od Crnog mola (predio grada Crikvenice) do turističkog naselja Kačjak. Mjesto broji oko 1400 stanovnika, uglavnom zaposlenih u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu.

Više fotografija na Photo Albums stranici.


Views: (815)

New Photo Album Available: Duoband Inverted V antenna for 40m and 80m band


Upgraded Inverted V antenna for 40m to Duoband Inverted V for 40 and 80m amateur radio band (3.5 and 7 MHz). Used traps are also home-made, resonant FQ = 7050 kHz.
More at Photo Albums page.

Dograđena Inverted V antena za 40m u Douband Inverted V antenu za 40m i 80m radioamaterski pojas (3.5 i 7 MHz). Korišteni su home-made trapovi rezonantne frekvencije od 7050 kHz.
Pogledajte slike na Photo Albums stranici.



Views: (1915)

New Photo Album Available: The island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia


Vir is an island on the Croatian coast of Adriatic sea located north of Zadar. Vir has a very good connectivity to the mainland via a road bridge. About 2000 inhabitants live at the island. During the summer, a number of inhabitants raise to 20000.

Take a look a new Photo Album: The island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia

Vir Island has sandy and pebbly beaches that are perfect for families with pine forests up to the edge. There are also many bays and inlets with piers. Vir has a bridge to the mainland built in 1976 and it is the 20th largest island in the Adriatic. Vir Island is also commonly known as the ‘island of contrasts’ because of the number of resort houses, and tourists staying here.


Views: (663)

New Photo Album available: Asus UL80VT BackLit keyboard modification


BackLit keyboard modification of great Asus UL80VT 14″ Core2Duo notebook. 10 hours of battery life and keyboard with backlit – this is what we also expect from a notebook!


9A2GB Photo Albums Collection:
– Dream Multimedia DM600PVR
– VHF Linear power amplifier GI7B
– RU-20 Transceiver modification
– CNC milling portal machine
– FloraArt 2008 Exhibition, Zagreb
– National Park Brijuni – Croatia, 2009.
– Asus UL80VT BackLit keyboard modification

More on: Photo Albums page.


Views: (1168)