Enjoy the live webcam located at the main beach, at Vir island, Croatia!
Another webcam is located at center of Vir island.
Views: (888)
Enjoy the live webcam located at the main beach, at Vir island, Croatia!
Another webcam is located at center of Vir island.
Views: (888)
WWAN Speed from Island of Vir.HR.EU
For all those who are planning to come to our beautiful island of Vir, and for those who already enjoy under the sun on the island of Vir and don’t want to give up the benefits of the Internet, we measured the average speed of HSPA connection from the island of Vir. Measurement micro location: Velika Slatina bay, north side of the island of Vir, (view on the island of Pag, Povljana place).
The subjective impression is much better than numbers of the measured speed. The real internet speed is much faster then required for the standard mail exchange and allows even web pages mastering.
Provider: Tomato (Vip.HR)
Connection mode: HSDPA
DL speed: 1.84 Mbps
UL Speed: 1.4 Mbps
Ping: 14 ms
Here are the real speed ranges of the various mobile wireless strandards commonly used today:
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) 2G: 9.6Kbps
GPRS (General packet radio services) 2.5G: 35Kbps to 171kbps
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) 2.75G: 120Kbps to 384Kbps
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) 3G: 384Kbps to 2Mbps
HSPA (software upgrade to UMTS, theoretical 42Mbps) 3.5G: 600Kbps to 10Mbps, averages 1-3Mbps
LTE 4G (Long Term Evolution, theoretical 100Mbps): 3Mbps to 10Mbps average, 20Mbps+ peak download speeds.
Vir is an island on the Croatian coast of Adriatic sea located north of Zadar. Vir has a very good connectivity to the mainland via a road bridge.
Take a look the Photo Album: The island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia
www.9a2gb.net Team
Views: (755)
Island with the most beautiful sunsets – Island of Vir, Croatia.
More photos on Photo Albums page.
Otok s najljepšim zalascima sunca – Otok Vir, Hrvatska.
Više fotografija na Photo Albums stranici.
Views: (917)
Canadair and AirTractor in action at Island of Vir, July 20th, 2012 at 19h.
Naši hrabri vatrogasci ni danas nisu imali mira, požar na otoku Viru lokaliziran je u ranim večernjim satima. Na slikama se vide naši Canadair-i i AirTractor u akciji gašenja požara.
Views: (428)
A little bit of clouds, a little bit of rain and plenty of sun and joy, that is Island of Vir, at June 2012. More pictures at Photo Albums page.
Malo oblaka, malo kiše i pregršt sunca i zadovoljstva, to je otok Vir u Lipnju 2012. gorine.
Više slika na Photo Albums stranici.
Views: (708)
Sunsets at beautiful island of Vir at Adriatic Coast, Croatia.
More photos on Photo Albums page.
Zalasci sunca na predivnom otoku Viru.
Više fotografija na Photo Albums stranici.
Views: (633)
Feel the richness of colours and shapes through the pictures of beautiful flowers and domestic plants from the island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia.
More on Photo Albums page.
Osjetite bogatstvo boja i oblika kroz slike predivnog cvijeća i domaćeg raslinja s otoka Vira.
Pogledajte slike na Photo Albums stranicama.
Views: (913)
Vir is an island on the Croatian coast of Adriatic sea located north of Zadar. Vir has a very good connectivity to the mainland via a road bridge. About 2000 inhabitants live at the island. During the summer, a number of inhabitants raise to 20000.
Take a look a new Photo Album: The island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia
Vir Island has sandy and pebbly beaches that are perfect for families with pine forests up to the edge. There are also many bays and inlets with piers. Vir has a bridge to the mainland built in 1976 and it is the 20th largest island in the Adriatic. Vir Island is also commonly known as the ‘island of contrasts’ because of the number of resort houses, and tourists staying here.
Views: (663)