History of EMU development

EMU was developed in late 2011, as a simple program with a role to just monitor a sort of fault in one application. From time to time, the critical application, running at unattended remote computer, crashed in a usual manner of popping-up Error Window. After fault, the application should have been restarted and/or the operating system should have been rebooted. After that, the application has continued to work longer or shorter time, until a new error appeared. Sometimes, it was impossible to go immediately to the location of the unattended remote computer and resolve the problem. A small utility was developed to save a lot of time, with only a two functions: monitoring the appearance of the error window and with function to restart unattended remote computer. Yes, I can agree with you, the easiest and the best way was to fix the critical application malfunction, but the source code had not been available. The problem is solved with a development of a small utility, a precursor of EMU – Event Monitoring Utility.

During the six months of practice work, the new requirements appeared, so EMU got a lot of new different methods of system monitoring, configuration files etc. It started writing to an internal event log, sending e-mails about events, etc. The wide range of various EMU methods, events and actions has been added, so until today the EMU developed to the real “the curious bird”, a powerful software tool for any system operator, computer enthusiast, as well as for the everyday user who wants to know what’s going on with his computer and operating system. So far, the known bugs have been removed, but this does not mean that all of them are the detected.

The development of the EMU – Event Monitoring Utility is continuous. The author is the owner of the source code and new versions will be published as needed. All user suggestions for EMU improvements are welcome, and everyone of those will be discussed.

Figure 1 – EMU, at work:


  • Monitoring or Event methods:                          •     Actions on Event:
    Target Foreground Window                                       Restart
    Target File                                                                  Hibernate
    CPU Usage: Less Then                                                 Suspend
    CPU Usage: More Then                                                   Log Off
    Start Application                                                                Send eMail
    Last record of specified Event ID                                          Log Event Only
    External IP Address Changed by Provider
    External IP Address Forced Renew
    Available Physical Memory: Less Then
    Available Virtual Memory: Less Then
    Target Word

• Simple or combined syntax in the Argument column, depending on the chosen method, or event
• Multi-Event possibility (support for more the same, simultaneously active events)
• Local counters for start delay for the following methods:

CPU Usage: Less Then
CPU Usage: More Then
Last record of specified Event ID

• Search for every known event ID in all Windows Event logs. Support for all Windows logs with EVT (Windows XP), and for all Windows logs with EVTX extensions (Vista, Windows 7).
• Internal Mailer allows users to be informed about new event via e-mail, without having to install any other mailer.
• Internal event log, with the possibility of turning off.
• Launch EMU at System start up.
• Very low CPU usage
• Ability to manage certain types of ADSL routers (method External IP Address Forced Renew)
• System parameters display:

CPU usage
Local IP address
Extern IP address with last change date and time
Current date and time
System UpTime
EMU memory consumption (Working Set)
Available Physical Memory (RAM)
Available Virtual Memory

• Global event counters (Event Repeat column), separately for each method or event
• Table of Monitoring Methods or Events with the possibility of activation and deactivation methods and events
• Methods and events can be determined in advance, with the exact date and time of activation
• Ability to silently inform user of the specified event by email, while he is away.


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