Statistics (August 30th. 2012) statistics 30.08.2012 - 186-5Statistics (August 30th. 2012)

Valuable visitors,
Number of visitors from unique IP addresses to our site is constantly growing. Thank you for your trust and we invite you to continue to keep track of new articles on Our site is dedicated to 9A2GB software products, Windows operating system, laptop computers, amateur radio, photography and fine food from our family kitchen. Join us with your comments and contributions and let’s enjoy together!

Cijenjeni posjetitelji,
Posjećenost nasih stranica raste iz mjeseca u mjesec. Pri tome dnevna statistika bilježi samo posjete koji dolaze s jedinstveniih IP adresa. Zahvaljujemo vam na povjerenju i pozivamo vas da nastavite pratiti nove članke na Naše stranice posvećene su 9A2GB softveru, Windows operativnom sustavu, prijenosnim računalima, radioamaterizmu, fotografiji i finom jelu iz naše obiteljske kuhinje. Pridružite nam se svojim komentarima i prilozima i uživajmo zajedno!

Sincerely / S poštovanjem,

9A2GB Team


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About 9A2GB

Ivan Držanić, Croatian radio amateur, (international HAM callsign: 9A2GB). Education: Graphic Engineer (BSGT). Unofficial education: CEPT “A” class HAM license, MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional. Hobbies and skills: computer programming, amateur radio, electronic design and construction, motorbikes, photography, CNC programming, cooking etc. Croatian Amateur Radio Association Bronze badge holder.