New Photo Album Available: Duoband Inverted V antenna for 40m and 80m band


Upgraded Inverted V antenna for 40m to Duoband Inverted V for 40 and 80m amateur radio band (3.5 and 7 MHz). Used traps are also home-made, resonant FQ = 7050 kHz.
More at Photo Albums page.

Dograđena Inverted V antena za 40m u Douband Inverted V antenu za 40m i 80m radioamaterski pojas (3.5 i 7 MHz). Korišteni su home-made trapovi rezonantne frekvencije od 7050 kHz.
Pogledajte slike na Photo Albums stranici.



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New Photo Album Available: The island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia


Vir is an island on the Croatian coast of Adriatic sea located north of Zadar. Vir has a very good connectivity to the mainland via a road bridge. About 2000 inhabitants live at the island. During the summer, a number of inhabitants raise to 20000.

Take a look a new Photo Album: The island of Vir, Adriatic Coast, Croatia

Vir Island has sandy and pebbly beaches that are perfect for families with pine forests up to the edge. There are also many bays and inlets with piers. Vir has a bridge to the mainland built in 1976 and it is the 20th largest island in the Adriatic. Vir Island is also commonly known as the ‘island of contrasts’ because of the number of resort houses, and tourists staying here.


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