Zadar is an ancient city, built in the center of the Croatian Adriatic, full of historical and cultural monuments. It is three thousand years old, a city of old, tumultuous and dynamic history, often destructed, looted, devastated, every time emerging from the ruins stronger, richer and more beautiful. Zadar appeared for the first time in history in the 4th century B.C. as a settlement of the Illyrian tribe of Liburnians – the name Jader was mentioned, and through history it changed into Idassa (Greek source), Jadera (Roman source), Diadora, Zara (during Venetian rule and later Italian) up to today’s name of Zadar.
Today Zadar is a preserved monument of various historical times and cultures that have placed their boundaries and visible outlines of their urban appearance. During its existence it was for many centuries the home of the Ilyrian Liburni and for 1000 years the capital city of Dalmatia. Rich in history, it is curently a focal point in civilisation, and most of all city with an unquestionable future: its accepted concept of development into an international, Mediterranean and Adriatic metropolis is being realised. It is a city with a rich Croatian national identity created in the present, wich successfully adheres to the newest trends in globalisation and informatisation.
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