New Tip at Windows® OS Troubleshoots page: The Best Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard www.9a2gb.netThe Best Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
The Windows key performs a wide variety of functions. Here are a handful of the most useful ones…

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More tips & tricks & troubleshoots on Windows® OS Troubleshoots page.

Najbolje prečice (shortcuts) za Windows 7
U Windows 7 OS, “Windows” tipka ima široki raspon funkcija. Evo nekoliko najkorisnijih…

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About 9A2GB

Ivan Držanić, Croatian radio amateur, (international HAM callsign: 9A2GB). Education: Graphic Engineer (BSGT). Unofficial education: CEPT “A” class HAM license, MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional. Hobbies and skills: computer programming, amateur radio, electronic design and construction, motorbikes, photography, CNC programming, cooking etc. Croatian Amateur Radio Association Bronze badge holder.